Congratulations to the colleagues! In the 8th study of the litigation market by PRAVO.RU the law company YUKO is among:
15 companies according to the number of all disputes in 2023 (6th place, 93 cases);
20 companies according to the sum of all claims in 2023 (139 BLN RUB);
2 – group (all litigators with the number of cases more than 30, federal rating).
4th place according to the number of cases within the group – 163 cases;
3d place according to the sum of all claims – 139 102 MLN.RUB.
3d place according to the average sum of claims within the group – 903 MLN.RUB.
The results of the study can be found at the link
We thank PRAVO.RU for the work and appreciation!