Features of the procedure: ➡️ 100% of the claim...
The Debtor registered himself during the bankruptc...
YUKO lawyers took part in the bankruptcy proceedin...
Bankruptcy club
Bankruptcy market research by Pravo.ru, Russia (2021)
Law company rating by Pravo 300, Russia (2021)
Leaders in the rating of legal services of the publishing house Kommersant (2022)
Market research services for wealthy clients and business owners by Pravo RU (2022)
Litigation rating by Pravo RU (2022)
Bankruptcy market research by Pravo RU (2022)
Forbes Legal Ranking
RAA Legal Guide 2022-2023
Leaders in the rating of legal services of the publishing house Kommersant (2023)
Litigation rating by Pravo RU (2023)
The list of the largest companies in the restructuring and insolvency market
Bankruptcy market research by Pravo RU (2023)
Award “Master of Debt Dispute Resolution” – nomination “Construction” (2023)
Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Rating of lawyers and their companies (2023)
Law company rating by Pravo-300, Russia (2024)
Leaders of PRObankrotstvo. Rating of law firms 2023
Recommended lawyers by Pravo-300 (2023)
The Case by Legal Insight 2023
Leaders in the rating of legal services of the publishing house Kommersant (2024)
Personal rating of lawyers 2023. Leaders of PRObankrotstvo
Litigation by PRAVO.RU (2024)
Corporate study by PRAVO.RU (2024)
RAA Legal Guide 2023-2024
Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Rating of lawyers and their companies (2024)
Leaders of PRObankrotstvo. Rating of law firms 2024
100 most influential persons of bankruptcy-2024
Legal experts. The best legal consultants